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Sport creams


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Can chamois cream be useful for sailing?

Chamois cream, although primarily known and used in cycling, can also be useful for sailing, especially for sailors who spend extended periods of time on the water. Here´s how it can be beneficial:

Reducing friction and chafing: Just like in cycling, chamois cream can help reduce friction and chafing caused by continuous movement or rubbing against equipment and surfaces on a sailboat. This is particularly useful in areas where there´s repeated contact or rubbing, such as where the body meets the boat or clothing.
Preventing skin irritation: Sailing involves being exposed to water, wind, and constant movement. Chamois cream can provide a protective barrier against skin irritation, especially in areas prone to chafing, like thighs, underarms, or areas where wet clothing might cause discomfort.
Longevity and comfort: For sailors spending long hours on the boat, the application of chamois cream in sensitive areas can enhance comfort and reduce discomfort during prolonged periods of movement or sitting.
Moisture control: Chamois creams often contain ingredients that can help control moisture and prevent excessive sweating, which can be beneficial during physically demanding or high temperature sailing conditions.
However, it´s essential to choose a chamois cream that suits your skin type and preferences. Some creams contain ingredients like menthol or essential oils that might cause discomfort or sensitivity for some individuals. Always test a small amount on a patch of skin to ensure you don´t have any adverse reactions. You can buy this cream from these brands: Santini, Hibros, Otso, Powershot, and 2Toms.

Aside from chamois cream, several other types of creams and ointments can be beneficial for sailors to address various needs and conditions while out on the water:
Sunscreen/Sunblock: Protection against sunburn is crucial when spending extended periods on the water. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen or sunblock with a high SPF to shield the skin from harmful UV rays. Reapply as needed, especially after swimming or sweating.
Waterproof barrier creams: For sailors exposed to wet conditions, especially those prone to prolonged contact with water, waterproof barrier creams can help protect the skin. These creams create a protective layer, guarding against moisture related issues like chafing, irritation, or maceration.
Antibacterial/Antifungal creams: In humid environments, fungal infections and bacterial skin issues can occur. Antifungal or antibacterial creams can help prevent and treat conditions like athlete´s foot, jock itch, or skin irritations caused by exposure to moisture.
Moisturizers: Constant exposure to sun, wind, and saltwater can lead to dry, dehydrated skin. Moisturizers can help replenish lost moisture and maintain skin health. Look for hydrating creams or lotions with ingredients like aloe vera or natural oils to soothe and nourish the skin.
Anti itch creams: Insect bites, stings, or encounters with marine life like jellyfish can lead to itching or skin irritation. Anti itch creams containing ingredients like hydrocortisone can help alleviate discomfort.
Lip balms with SPF: Don´t forget to protect your lips from sun and wind exposure. Lip balms with SPF can shield against sun damage and keep your lips hydrated.
